Iurii and Ol'ha Perkhorovych papers

Iurii and Ol'ha Perkhorovych were Ukrainian immigrants from the Volyn' region who moved to Brooklyn, New York in the 1950s. The collection primarily consists of extensive correspondence with family, friends, and prominent individuals, and materials related to Iurii's avocational historical research and his activities with Volyn'-related organizations. It also contains materials from when Iurii and Ol'ha were in displaced persons camps in Germany, as well as personal documents, pocket diaries, and ephemera from their life in Brooklyn.

Summary Information

Creator Perkhorovych, Ol'ha, 1909-1994
Creator Perkhorovych, I︠U︡riĭ, 1894-1976
Title Iurii and Ol'ha Perkhorovych papers
ID g.10
Dates 1917-1999
Dates (bulk) 1946-1990
Quantity 12 Linear Feet
Languages Primarily Ukrainian, but also contains materials in Polish, Russian, German, English, Slovak, and Spanish.
Repository Ukrainian History and Education Center Archives

Biographical / Historical

Iurii Perkhorovych (Юрій Прехорович, also spelled Perchorowycz) was a Ukrainian educator and avocational historian of Volyn' region.

He was born October 1, 1894 in the village of Syniv (today in Hoshcha raion, Rivne oblast', Ukraine). He studied at the Volyn' Religious Seminary in Zhytomyr, and in 1914 he matriculated in the history division of the Faculty of History and Philology of Warsaw University. He completed his studies after wartime evacuation to Rostov-on-Don in 1918, receiving a "Candidate" degree and pedagogical certification in History and Latin.

He worked as a teacher of Ukrainian and Latin language and literature in private gymnasiums in the cities of Rivne, Zdolbuniv, Ostroh, and Dubno, and received a teacher's diploma in 1928 and the title of "professor" in 1933. From 1939 to 1941 he taught Ukrainian language and literature at the "ten year school" ("desiatyrichka") in Dubno, and in September of 1941 he organized and became the first director of the S. Petliura Ukrainian Gymnasium in Dubno ("Dubens'ka Ukrains'ka Gimnaziia im. S. Petliury").

In 1933 he married Ol'ha Sliuzyns'ka, who was born in 1909 in Kyiv, but at the time of her marriage was living in the Dubno suburb of Surmychi (Surmicze). She worked as a practical nurse during the post-World War II years and appears to have assisted her husband in some of his historical research work. Unfortunately there do not seem to exist any published materials or other summeries of Ol'ha Perkhorovych's biography.

From an early age, Iurii Perkhorovych was interested in the history, prehistory, and natural history of the Volyn' region. While at university, he became intruiged by the similarities of names in Latin texts and current toponyms and traditional terms in Volyn'. Under the influence of Prof. S. Shelukhin, he began to develop a theory about Celtic settlements in Volyn', among other things proposing that the toponym "Dubno" is of Celtic origin.

As displaced persons, Iurii and Ol'ha lived in the Sonthofen, Grafenaschau, and Ingolstadt DP camps. Iurii served several months as director of the Ukrainian Gymnasium in Sonthofen. Later, he took a course in building construction methods using "xylolith" (a sawdust and magnesia cement mixture used to make seamless floors), after which he took over the teaching and direction of the same course.

Iurii and Ol'ha arrived in the United States in September, 1951. He likely could not find work as an educator due to insufficient knowledge of English, and instead worked as a manual laborer. In his free time, he served as editor of the scholarly periodical "Chronicles of Volyn'" ("Літопис Волині") from 1952 to 1958, and as secretary of the New York branch of the Volyn' Society ("Товариство 'Волинь'"). He also continued to research and write on a wide variety of topics related to Ukrainian (mostly Volynian) history, prehistory, and natural history, as well as on religion and church history. He published several books and numerous articles under his own name as well as under the pseudonyms Iurii Dzikovets'kyi (Юрій Дзіковецький) and H. Synivs'kyi (Г. Синівський).

[sources: curricula vitae, obituaries, and official documents in the present collection]

Scope and Contents

This collection contains the papers of Iurii and Ol'ha Perkhorovych, who were from the Volyn' region of Ukraine, but who became World War II displaced persons and resettled in Brooklyn, New York. It contains extensive correspondence (both incoming and outgoing) with family members, friends, and a very wide range of prominent individuals, including bishops, clergy, scientists, historians, and archaeologists, as well as political activists, diplomats, and army veterans of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Many of these individuals were also from Volyn', or had a personal or scholarly connection to the region.

The collection also contains a considerable quantity of material related to Iurii's avocational historical research and publications. It includes the published and unpublished texts of articles and lectures that he wrote on a wide variety of topics related to archaeology, history, biography, and physical geography, primarily of the Volyn' region and its people. It includes extensive research notes and correspondence with colleagues and scholars on the topics that he was researching. In addition, Iurii Perkhorovych was heavily involved in several Volyn'-oriented diaspora institutions, including the Chronicle of Volyn' and the Volyn' Society, and the collection contains some records of those organization's activities.

In addition to the correspondence and research files, the collection also contains several photograph albums containing family photographs; images of Volyn' from the 1930s to the 1960s, including churches, monasteries, and natural and architectural landmarks, as well as events associated with the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church of the 1940s; and photographs related to Iurii's research work. There are also documents, writings, and ephemera from the period when Iurii and Ol'ha were refugees in Slovakia and southern Germany during and after World War II, as well as personal and official documents, newspaper clippings, address books, pocket diaries, and ephemera, primarily from their life in New York City.

Зміст фонду

Фонд сладається з особистих документів Юрія та Ольги Перхорович, волиняки які виїхали під час Другої Світової Війни, жили як переміщені особи, та врешті поселилися в Брукліні, шт. Нью-Йорк. Фонд містить значну кількість листування з родиною, друзями і дуже широким колом відомих осіб, в тому числі єпископи, духовенство, вчені, історики і археологи, а також політичні діячі, дипломати УНР і ветерани Армії УНР. Більшість із них волиняки, або мали особистий або науковий зв'язок з Волинню.

Фонд також містить значну кількість матеріалів, пов'язаних з історичними дослідами та публікаціями Юрія Перхоровича, включно з опублікованими та неопублікованими статтями і лекціями на різноманітні теми археології, історії, біографії, фізичної географії (особливо Волині та її населення). У фонді записки та листування з вченими про питання, які він досліджував.

Крім того, Юрій Перхорович активно брав участь у роботі діаспорних організацій волиняків, в тому числі Літопис Волині та Товариство "Волинь". У фонді можна занйти матеріали, які свідчать про діяльність цих організацій.

Крім листування та дослідних праць, фонд містить фотоальбоми, у яких родинні фотографії; види міст та сільських місцевостей Волині з 1930-х до 1960-х років (церкви, монастирі, природні та архітектурні пам'ятки, а також події, пов'язані з Українською Автокефальною Православною Церквою 1940-х років); та фотографії, пов'язані з дослідницькою роботою Юрія. Існують також матеріали з часу перебування Перхоровичів в Словаччині та південній Німеччині як біженці під час і після Другої світової війни, а також особисті та офіційні документи, газетні вирізки, адресні книги, кишенькові щоденники та інші матеріали пов'язані з їх життям в Нью-Йорку.


Arranged in 5 series:

  1. Correspondence
  2. Writings, research materials, and subject files
  3. Organizational records
  4. Photograph albums
  5. Personal documents, diaries, mailings and ephemera

The physical arrangement does not fully mirror the intellectual arrangement in order to economize on storage.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Published citations should take the following form: Identification of item, date (if known); Iurii and Ol'ha Perkhorovych Papers; box number; folder number; Ukrainian History and Education Center Archives, Somerset, New Jersey.

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for researcher use. Please contact the archivist (archives@ukrhec.org) for more information and to make arrangements.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Although efforts have been made to identify personally identifiable information of living individuals, it is the responsibility of the researcher to avoid violation of personal privacy rights.

Processing Information

The series and sub-series level arrangment was mostly imposed by the processing archivist except as noted below. The file level arrangement generally reflects original order, except for Series 5 - where it was partially imposed during processing.

Published materials that were not obviously part of a clippings file, did not have a connection to the creators' work and life, or were outside of the UHEC's collecting scope have not been retained. Personal financial records, Social Security mailings, and similar materials have also not been retained.

Controlled Access Headings


  • Tovarystvo Volyn
  • Litopys Volyni


  • Refugees
  • History--Research
  • Refugee camps
  • Refugees--Education


  • Ukraine--Volhynia
  • Germany--Bavaria
  • Germany--Bavaria


  • Personal correspondence
  • Business correspondence
  • Academic writing
  • Photographs
  • Personal narratives

Container List

Series 1.  Correspondence 4.8 Linear Feet

Related Materials

The "Postcards" file in Series 5 includes some correspondence, including messages sent between Iurii and Ol'ha in the 1940s. In addition, Series 2 contains extensive correspondence related to specific subjects, but which also occasionally includes personal and other content.


Arranged in original order, with incoming letters arranged by type of correspondence, then by the surname of the correspondent, and outgoing letters arranged chronologically by year (approximately).

Processing Information

The original somewhat inconsistent chronological arrangement of the outgoing letters has been retained.

General correspondence, 1946-1990. 3.4 Linear Feet

Language of materials

Contents are in Ukrainian unless noted at the file level below.

Bp. Anatolii (Dubliansky), 1953-1988.

Biographical / Historical

Anatolii was a Bishop (later Metropolitan) of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the Diaspora (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 1
Viktor Andriievs'kyi, 1954-1966.

Biographical / Historical

Viktor Andriievs'kyi was a Ukrainian journalist, political activist, and educator (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія ).

  • box 1 folder 2
Oleksander Arkhimovych, 1969-1974.

Biographical / Historical

Oleksander Arkhimovych was a Ukrainian botanist and plant breeder.

  • box 1 folder 3
Ivan and Vira Bludymko, 1954-1983.
  • box 4 folder 1
Ievhen Bondarchuk, 1959-1988.
  • box 1 folder 4
Liuba Bondarchuk, 1964-1988.
  • box 1 folder 5
I. Borysova, 1973-1975.
  • box 1 folder 6
Roman Bzhes'kyi, 1952-1971.

Biographical / Historical

Roman Bzhes'kyi was a Ukrainian political activist and veteran of the Ukrainian War of Independence (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 7
Mykola Chebotariv , 1954-1971.

Scope and Contents

Also contains copies of letters from Chebotariv to others.

Biographical / Historical

Mykola Chebotariv was a Ukrainian political activist and veteran of the Ukrainian War of Independence (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія

  • box 1 folder 8-9
Aleksander Cynkałowski, 1961-1975.

Language of materials


Biographical / Historical

Aleksander Cynkałowski was a historian and archaeologist of the Volyn' region (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 10-11
Vasyl' Fylonovych, 1953-1985.

Scope and Contents

Contains personal correspondence, as well as material related to the publication of the literary works of Vasyl's wife Veronika Mykhalevych Fylonovych. Includes manuscripts of a memoir by Vasyl' Fylonovych, and memoir, poetry, and photographs of Veronkia Mykhalevych.

Biographical / Historical

Vasyl' Fylonovych was a veteran of the Ukrainian War of Independence and diplomat for the Ukrainian People's Republic (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 12-13
Jakub Hoffman, 1954-1964.

Language of materials


Biographical / Historical

Jakub Hoffman was a Polish newspaper columnist and historian. He was active as an educator in Rivne in the 1920s. (Polish Wikipedia)

  • box 1 folder 14
Zenon Iavors'kyi, 1955-1956.

Biographical / Historical

Zenon Iavors'kyi was a veteran of the Ukrainian Sich Rifles (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 4 folder 3
Fr. Iakiv Kostets'ky, 1975-1977.

Biographical / Historical

Fr. Iakiv Kostets'ky was a Ukrainian Orthodox priest and veteran of the Ukrainian War of Independence.

  • box 1 folder 15
Anatolii Kotovych, 1953-1963.
  • box 4 folder 4
Sydir Kravets, 1952-1954.

Biographical / Historical

Sydir Kravets' was a Ukrainian publisher in Argentina and the United States (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 16
Iurii Lisovyi letters and writings, 1960-1972 (bulk 1965-1972).
  • box 4 folder 5-7
Metr. Mstyslav (Skrypnyk), 1953-1990.

Biographical / Historical

Mstyslav was Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (and later Patriarch of Ukraine) (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 17
Metr. Nikanor (Abramovych), 1954-1969.

Biographical / Historical

Nikanor was Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the Diaspora (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 18
Iurii Nol'den (Trubets'koi), 1953-1975.

Language of materials


Scope and Contents

Contains letters, undated postcards, published and unpublished poetry (including hand-copied booklets), and newspaper clippings.

  • box 1 folder 19-24
Nestor Novovirs'kyi and Maria Hrebinets'ka Novovirs'ka, 1954-1982.

Scope and Contents

Contains letters from Nestor and Maria Novovirs'kyi, as well as as an obituary, biographical notes, information about their estate, and correspondence with Fr. Ivan Tkachuk regarding a gravestone.

Separated Materials

This file originally contained the personal papers of Maria Hrebints'ka, which have been separated into their own collection based on provenance.

Biographical / Historical

Maria Hrebinets'ka was a Ukrainian singer and music educator active in Ukraine and the United States (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія).

  • box 1 folder 25
Stepania Oberyshyn, 1976-1985.
  • box 1 folder 26
Tymish and Tamara Olesiiuk, 1962-1975.

Biographical / Historical

Tymish Olesiiuk was a politician and diplomat of the Ukrainian People's Republic (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія).

  • box 4 folder 8
Volodymyr Onufriichuk, 1957-1966.
  • box 1 folder 27
Natalia Osadcha-Ianata, 1957-1968.

Biographical / Historical

Natalia Osadcha-Ianata was a Ukrainian ethnobotanist (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 1 folder 28
Bp. Paisii (Vasyl' Ivashchuk)

Biographical / Historical

Paisii was a bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.

  • box 1 folder 29
Iaroslav Pasternak, 1961-1965.

Biographical / Historical

Iaroslav Pasternak was a Ukrainian archaeologist (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія).

  • box 1 folder 30
Vadim Pavlovsky, 1957-1986.
  • box 2 folder 1
Anton Pushkin, 1961-1976.

Language of materials


  • box 4 folder 9
Maria Satsiuk Iusefovych and Oleksa Satsiuk, 1956-1969.

Biographical / Historical

Oleksa Satsiuk was a Ukrainian writer and playwright in Argentina and the United States (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 2 folder 2-3
Viacheslav Seniutovych-Berezhnyi, 1952-1990.

Biographical / Historical

Viacheslav Seniutovych was a Ukrainian historian, heraldrist, and genealogist (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 2 folder 4-5
Mother Seraphima, 1959-1962.

Language of materials


  • box 2 folder 6
Iurii Shul'mins'kyi, 1956-1990.

Related Materials

Writings by Iurii Shul'mins'kyi can be found in the subject files below.

Biographical / Historical

Iurii Shul'mins'kyi (son of Olimpiada Shul'mins'ka) was a Ukrainian architect active in Argentina (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 5 folder 1
Olimpiada Pashchenko-Shul'mins'ka, 1958-1962.

Related Materials

Additional correspondence, biographical information, and a gravestone blueprint can be found in the subject files below.

Biographical / Historical

Olimpiada Pashchenko-Shul'mins'ka was a Ukrainian educator, member of the Ukrainian Central Rada, and activist of the Ukrainian national renaissance movement (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 5 folder 2
Arsen Shumovs'kyi, 1952-1966.

Scope and Contents

Also includes letters from Petro Shumovsky

Biographical / Historical

Arsen Shumovs'kyi was a Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Canadian welding engineer. He worked for the Canadian Welding Bureau and was editor of the periodical "Welding Digest", and was head of the Volyn' Society and the Research Institute of Volyn' (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 2 folder 7-10
Hanna Shumovs'ka, 1950-1971.
  • box 2 folder 11
Mother Alexandra Sobriewska, 1955.

Language of materials


  • box 2 folder 12
Roman Stoliarchuk and Daria Iaroslavs'ka-Stoliarchuk, 1951-1990.
  • box 2 folder 13-15
Myron Surmach, 1956-1975.

Biographical / Historical

Myron Surmach was a Ukrainian-American book and music publisher and bookstore owner.

  • box 5 folder 3
Ihor Sveshnikov, 1959-1977.

Biographical / Historical

Ihor Sveshnikov was a Ukrainian historian and archaeologist (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 2 folder 16
Ivan Svit, 1968-1976.

Biographical / Historical

Ivan Svit was a Ukrainian journalist, historian, and community activist in Vladivostok, Manchuria, Shanghai and the United States (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 5 folder 4
Fr. Ananii Teodorovych, 1957-1963.

Biographical / Historical

Ananii Teodorovych was the first Ukrainian Orthodox priest to settle in Australia (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 2 folder 17
Fr. Igor Tkachuk, 1983-1986.

Language of materials


Biographical / Historical

Fr. Igor Tkachuk was rector of the Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Brooklyn, NY.

  • box 2 folder 18
Konstantyn Tserlevych, 1953-1959.
  • box 4 folder 2
Ostap Turko, 1958-1989.
  • box 2 folder 19-21
Fr. Iurii Turzhans'kyi, 1957-1977.
  • box 2 folder 22
Olena Vasyleva , 1969-1974.
  • box 2 folder 23
Wlodzimierz Zachariewicz, 1968-1969.

Language of materials

Polish and Russian

  • box 2 folder 24
Halyna Zhurba, 1955-1967.

Biographical / Historical

Halyna Zhurba was a Ukrainian and Ukrainian-American writer (Wikipedia/Вікіпедія)

  • box 2 folder 25
Family and personal correspondence, 1948-1959.

Language of materials

Ukrainian and Russian

Scope and Contents

Original file title "Pryvatne: Lysty bat'ka". Includes letters from family in Ukraine and other individuals, including Neofit Kybaliuk, Bp. Platon, O. Fitiak (who may be relaying correspondence from Perkhorovych relatives in Ukraine), photographs, expense lists, and ephemera.

  • box 2 folder 26
Family correspondence, 1955-1989.

Language of materials

Ukrainian and Russian

  • box 5 folder 5-6
Clergy letters, 1953-1990.

Scope and Contents

Includes letters from Fr. Fedir Luhovenko, Fr. Sahaydawsky, Metr. Ilarion, Bp. Henadii (Shyprykevych), Fr. B. Iakovkevych, Fr. A. Selepyna, Fr. N. Cherniavskyi, Abp. Vasili, Fr. Frank Estocin, Fr. I. Tkaczuk

  • box 3 folder 1-2
"Various Letters and Cards", 1954-1990.

Language of materials

Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish

Scope and Contents

Contains letters and cards from people in the US, Canada, Poland, USSR, Sweden, Germany, and Argentina.

  • box 3 folder 3-4
"Various letters", 1946-1990.

Language of materials

Ukrainian and German

  • box 3 folder 5-6
Scholarly correspondence, 1953-1975.

Language of materials

Materials are in Ukrainian unless otherwise indicated below.

General correspondents, 1953-1975.

Language of materials

Ukrainian, Russian, and English

  • box 3 folder 7
Mykhailo Kravchuk, 1970-1971.
  • box 3 folder 8
Alexander Zuraev, 1967-1970.

Language of materials


  • box 3 folder 9
Stepen Mishko, 1967.
  • box 3 folder 10
Vasyl' Chaplenko, 1967-1974.
  • box 3 folder 11
Leonid Poltava, 1976.
  • box 3 folder 12
Shevchenko 150th Anniversary, 1960-1964.

Scope and Contents

Contains correspondence from Miiakovskyi, Kushneruk, Pavlovsky, Senutovych, Abp. Mstyslav, Shums'kyi, and Veremchuk

  • box 3 folder 13-14
Ol'ha Perkhorovych correspondence, 1958-1999. 0.5 Linear Feet
Personal Correspondence, 1980-1990.
  • box 3 folder 15
Family in Ukraine, 1990-1999.

Scope and Contents

Includes letters written to Ol'ha after 1994 by relatives who were not aware that she had died.

  • box 3 folder 16
Fr. Volodymyr Bazylevsky, 1978-1991.
  • box 3 folder 17
I. Hoshovskyi, 1989-1990.
  • box 3 folder 18
Ihor Lozovyk, 1958-1990.
  • box 3 folder 19-20
Boris & Lyudmila Meshechok, 1969-1990.

Language of materials


  • box 3 folder 21
Condolence letters on the death of Iurii Perkhorovych, 1976.
  • box 3 folder 22
Outgoing letters, 1954-1976. 0.7 Linear Feet
  • box 3 folder 23
  • box 3 folder 24
  • box 3 folder 25
  • box 3 folder 26
  • box 5 folder 7
  • box 3 folder 27
  • box 6 folder 1
1966, 1968-1970.
  • box 6 folder 2
  • box 6 folder 3
  • box 6 folder 4
  • box 6 folder 5
  • box 6 folder 6
Series 2  Writings, research materials, and subject files 3.6 Linear Feet

Language of materials

Writings are in Ukrainian, but the research notes, correspondence, and third-party materials are in a variety of languages. Source notes are in the original languages, which include Church Slavonic, Greek, and Latin.

Published writings and typed manuscripts 0.75 Linear Feet
"Bohosluzhbova mova na ukrains'kykh zemliakh" and "Iak povodytysia v tserkvi"
  • box 6 folder 7-8
"Ozero Svitiaz'"
  • box 6 folder 9
"Propovid' Ap. Andriia na Ukraini"
  • box 6 folder 10
Published writings and lecture announcements
  • box 5 folder 8-9
  • box 7
  • box 8
Articles and lectures
  • box 10 folder 1
Stories and memoirs
  • box 10 folder 2
DP-era writings, research notes, and teaching materials, 1945-circa 1952. 0.4 Linear Feet
  • box 9 folder 1
Notes and notebooks
  • box 9 folder 2-3
"Korotkyi kurs pasichnytstva (Short course of apiculture)"
  • box 9 folder 4

Scope and Contents

Contains lecture notes and other materials related to a course on the building trades and the use of "xylolith" (a type of synthetic wood product).

  • box 9 folder 5-6
Lecture publicity posters, 1945.
  • box 9 folder 7
Research files for articles or lectures 0.8 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents

Folders contain notes, clippings, biographical sketches, and/or correspondence (some with extensive correspondence).

  • box 10 folder 3
  • box 10 folder 4
  • box 10 folder 5
Apostle Andrew in Ukraine
  • box 10 folder 6-9
  • box 10 folder 10
Church of St. Basil in Volodymyr-Volyns'kyi

Scope and Contents

Includes a manuscript of an article by Jakub Hoffman with Iu. Perkhorovych's response, and a lecture on the topic given at Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences (UVAN) by Iu. Perkhorovych.

  • box 10 folder 11
Gospel readings during Paschal Matins

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and research notes regarding whether there was one (or eleven!) Gospel reading during the Paschal Matins, as well as other incidental materials (such as the origin of the toponym "Zhytomyr"). Contains letters from Met. Ilarion, Fr. V. Sahaidakivs'kyi, Ivan Vlasovs'kyi, Ivan Dorosh, Fr. Ananii Teodorovych, and Fr. G. Turzansky, some of which contain personal material.

  • box 10 folder 12
"Inna, Pinna I Rimma"
  • box 10 folder 13
  • box 10 folder 14
"Kel'ty chy Roksoliany?" and "Khrabr"
  • box 10 folder 15
"Kil'ka sliv pro Obraz B. M. Pyrohoshchy"
  • box 10 folder 16
"Mistse Boiu Vinitara z Bozhem"
  • box 10 folder 17
"Mons Peuka-Povchus'ki hory"
  • box 10 folder 18
  • box 10 folder 19
"Ozero Svitiaz'"
  • box 10 folder 20

Scope and Contents

Notes, writings, and correspondence related to the ethnonym "Rus" and related names.

  • box 10 folder 21
  • box 10 folder 22
Taras Shevchenko in Volyn'
  • box 10 folder 23
  • box 10 folder 24
  • box 10 folder 25
"Z Praistorii Podillia"
  • box 10 folder 26
Subject files and third-party materials 0.75 Linear Feet
Areta (Maria Sushko-Hryn'ovs'ka)

Scope and Contents

Includes clippings, notes, and a letter with reference to Areta

  • box 11 folder 1
Church matters

Scope and Contents

Documents, open letters, and newspaper clippings related to Ukrainian Orthodox churches and relationships with other Orthodox jurisdictions.

  • box 11 folder 2
"Chuzhi doruchennia"

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, manuscripts submitted to "Chronicles of Volyn", and notes on research done by Perkhorovych on behalf of others. Original file included two sub-folders entitled "Rozanda" and "R. Bzhes'kyi/spravy".

  • box 11 folder 3-5
Levko Chykalenko

Scope and Contents

Contains letters and manuscripts from Chykalenko regarding his archaeological research, and copies of Chykalenko's published articles.

  • box 11 folder 6
Correspondence; Writings and artworks by others

Scope and Contents

Contains correspondence of Ol'ha Perkhorovych with Metr. Mstyslav regarding the republication of "Opovidannia z sviatoho pysania" (1863) by Fr. Stefan Opatovych, typescript of "Poezdka v Evropu" by M. Graev, original drawing of the deceased Arsen Shumovskyi, photograph of a still-life painting by R. Horbachevs'ka, and copies of published materials.

  • box 11 folder 7
Forms of the Cross
  • box 11 folder 8
General Volyn' history

Scope and Contents

Contains research notes, clippings, writings, and correspondence related to all aspects of the history of the Volyn' region from the early modern period to the mid 20th century. It even includes aspects of natural history, such as geology, flora, and fauna. Includes letters from V. Senutovych, N. Osadcha-Ianata, A. Pushkin, Iu. Shumovs'kyi, Fr. Anatolii Dublians'kyi, and others.

  • box 11 folder 9
M. Gimbutas

Scope and Contents

Article commenting on "The Slavs" by Marija Gimbutas.

  • box 11 folder 10
Valerian and Lidia Horbachevs'kyi

Scope and Contents

Contains newspaper clippings and manuscripts by or in reference to Valerian and Lidia Horbachevs'kyi, as well as a photograph of Lidia Horbachevs'ka.

  • box 11 folder 11
Daria Iaroslavs'ka
  • box 11 folder 12
List of those killed during Nazi/Soviet Occupation
  • box 11 folder 13

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, newspaper clippings, newsletters and ephemera published by various "Runvira" ("Ukrainian National Faith") affiliates, and short article decrying the movement to characterize Christmas as a pagan holiday.

  • box 11 folder 14
  • folder Oversize 1 folder 1
Ievhen Perkhorovych
  • box 11 folder 15
Research notes on authors
  • box 11 folder 16-17
Iurii Shul'mins'kyi and Ol'ha Pashchenko-Shul'mins'ka

Scope and Contents

Contains correspondence, writings, clippings of biographies, and a gravestone design.

  • box 11 folder 18
  • folder Oversize 1 folder 2
"Sprava Koprovs'koho"
  • box 11 folder 19

Scope and Contents

Contains ephemera, lists of photographs, notebooks of poetry in Russian, photographs, and notes.

  • box 11 folder 20
"Iu. Synevs'kyi Russian materials"
  • box 11 folder 21

Scope and Contents

Contains lexicographic notes.

  • box 11 folder 22
Ukrainian women authors

Scope and Contents

Includes research matrials on Olena Vasyleva, Halyna Zhurba, Lesia Ukrainka, and Oksana Liaturyns'ka (inluding letters from 1955-1957)

  • box 11 folder 23
"Vyznachni Volyniaky"

Scope and Contents

Biographical notes on famous individuals with origins in Volyn'. Includes newspaper clippings, obituaries, notes, and correspondence.

  • box 11 folder 24
Matsievych family history 0.25 Linear Feet

Language of materials

Letters are in Russian.

Scope and Contents

This sub-series documents the activities of the Perkhorovyches researching the history of the Matsievych family. It includes letters from Levko Matsievych's daughter Tetiana Matsievych Porsch and other relatives or individuals connected to the family, photographs (and copies of photographs) of Levko Matsievych and family, and research notes and genealogical information compiled by the Perkhorovyches.

Biographical / Historical

Levko Matsievych (Левко Мацієвич) (1877-1910) was a Ukrainian naval engineer, boat and submarine designer, and the first Ukrainian aviator within the Russian Imperial military. He was also a social activist and member of the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party.

After Levko's death in a plane crash in 1910, his wife Oleksandra remarried and in 1917 moved to France. Levko and Oleksandra's daugher Tetiana was legally adopted by her stepfather, and used his surname of Porsch.

Levko Matsievych photographs
  • box 11 folder 25
Tetiana Matsievych Porsch letters, 1964-1971.
  • box 11 folder 26
Emil Melnik letters, 1969-1971.
  • box 11 folder 27
Nina & Nikolai Matsievich letters, 1969-1975.
  • box 11 folder 28
Research notes and correspondence
  • box 11 folder 29
Research and genealogy notes
  • box 11 folder 30
General research files 0.7 Linear Feet
General notes
  • box 12 folder 1
General source notes
  • box 12 folder 2-4
  • box 12 folder 5

Scope and Contents

Consists of several folders containing mixed notes, writings, lecture texts, and correspondence that was originally contained in a single portfolio. Folder titles include: "Sny", "Helon - Kyiv materiialy/Eridon - Horyn'", "Dubno i Hohol'", "Oryhinaly referativ", "1) 'Kolodka'/2)'Dyshlove'", and "Mixta/rizni notatky".

  • box 12 folder 6-9
Clippings, maps, and illustrations
  • box 12 folder 10-13
  • box oversize 1 folder 1
  • folder Oversize 1 folder 3
New York Public Library call slips
  • box 12 folder 14
Series 3  Organizational records 0.3 Linear Feet
Chronicle of Volyn' records
Incoming letters, 1955-1958.
  • box 12 folder 15
Outgoing letters, 1953-1960.
  • box 12 folder 16-17
I. Korovyts'kyi correspondence, 1952-1964.
  • box 12 folder 18
Editorial files
  • box 12 folder 19
Volynian Bibliographic Center
  • box 12 folder 20
Halftone printing plates
  • box 12 folder 21
Tovarystvo Volyn' records
Correspondence, 1952-1988.
  • box 12 folder 22
Membership lists and minutes
  • box 12 folder 23
Research Institute of Volyn'
M. Boiko correspondence, 1951-1976.
  • box 12 folder 24
  • box 12 folder 25
Entsyklopedia Ukrainoznavstva request
  • box 12 folder 26
Volyn Bookstore records

Processing Information

Materials found inserted in notebook have been unfolded and moved into a seperate folder.

  • box 13 folder 1-2
Series 4  Photograph albums 0.4 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents

Contains Perkhorvych family photographs, images of churches, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church bishops in Volyn', and photographs related to Iurii's research work. Many of the photographs have identifying information written on the reverse.

Processing Information

Photographs were originally mounted using photo corners on acidic black paper. They have been unmounted and housed in sleeves for preservation and in order to facilitate access to inscriptions on the reverse. Photographs of the album pages in their original state prior to disassembly is included.

  • box 14 volume 1

Scope and Contents

Contains family and personal photographs

  • box 15 volume 1

Scope and Contents

Contains postcards, family and personal photographs

  • box 15 volume 2
Series 5  Personal documents, diaries, mailings, and ephemera 0.8 Linear Feet
Educational records, diplomas, and teaching certificates, 1917-1934.
  • box 13 folder 3
Wartime and displaced person documents, 1942-1951.

Scope and Contents

Contains receipts, foreigner registration card, ration book, residency and employment certificates, UNRRA and IRO certificates, orders for extra rations, and prescriptions and medical forms from Ukraine, Slovakia, and Germany.

  • box 13 folder 4
"Emigrations", 1950.

Scope and Contents

Contains documents and paperwork related to emigration to the United States.

  • box 13 folder 5
Iurii Perkhorovych diary, 1951-1952.

Scope and Contents

Consists of a single thin, spiral bound diary containing brief summaries of everyday activities.

  • box 13 folder 6
Ol'ha Perkhorovych diaries, 1953-1991. 2.7 Linear Feet   50 pocket-sized diaries

Scope and Contents

Contains pocket-sized diaries (roughly 2.5" x 4.5" or smaller) with income, expenses, appointments, and other notes.

  • box 16
Personal records, 1927-1994.

Scope and Contents

Contains birth and marriage certificates, curricula vitae, employment records, medical records, funeral records, and similar documents.

  • box 13 folder 7-8
  • box oversize 1 folder 1
Address books and greeting card lists
  • box 13 folder 9-10
Obituaries and condolences for Iurii Perkhorovych
  • box 13 folder 11
Obituaries, death notices, and lists of deceased
  • box 13 folder 12-13
Book orders, price lists, and receipts, 1970-1974.
  • box 13 folder 14
Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences (UVAN) mailings, correspondence and ephemera, 1960-1966, 1971-1972, 1981-1989.
  • box 17 folder 1
Newspaper clippings and ephemera

Scope and Contents

Contains newspapaper clippings (primarily made by Ol'ha Perkhorovych), event programs and handbills, parish bulletins, and donation receipts.

  • box 17 folder 2-5

Scope and Contents

Original title of file: "Kraievydy". Contains tourist postcards from various countries around the world, presumably assembed by Ol'ha Perkhorovych for their pictorial interest. Some were posted and contain messages to the Perkhorovyches or were sent between Iurii and Ol'ha, but others were never mailed.

  • box 17 folder 17
Published and near-print materials of others

Scope and Contents

Contains "Rozviiani storinky" (1946) by "Dazhbozhych" (R. Bzhes'kyi), "Istoriia ukrains'koho narodu" (1953) by Roman Mlynovets'kyi, and "Vidhomin" by Ivanna Zel's'ka.

  • box 8 volume 1-3